Your eCommerce growth partner
Increase in
conversion rate,
Extend your eCommerce department with an experienced and results-oriented CRO team that will take care of all your optimization efforts. From gathering insights about customers to turning them into growth opportunities
Full-stack & eCommerce-focused
100% personal A/B testing program
Guaranteed results
Increase in eCR, AOV, LTV
We partner with leading platforms for Testing & Optimization
We know how to make eCommerce work. DO YOU? DO YOU?
10+ years of hands-on experience in eCommerce optimization results in year over year revenue increase for every client we work with.
Extra revenue generated for our clients within last 12m
extra revenue
conversion rate
Conversion-driven redesign and performance improvements for a Swiss luxury chocolatier
CRO research to identify areas for improvement to include in the redesign
Premium eCommerce market research & benchmarking
UX-driven wireframes to illustrate suggested content & site features
Collaboration with an external branding agency
Follow-up A/B testing program post-design launch
revenue increase
conversion rate
2+ years CRO program focusing on complete customer journey optimization for a global sportswear retailer
Ongoing customer knowledge base expansion through continuous user research
Switching from activity to a product-based menu to make the site navigation easier
Moving from multi-step to accordion checkout to streamline the purchase process
Low-hanging fruit implementation to improve site usability
UI updates based on A/B testing results
Support in data tracking implementation & interactive data visualization dashboard to derive actionable insights from collected data
extra revenue
conversion rate
2 optimization projects focusing on purchase flow improvements
Heuristic evaluation to uncover UX flaws
Quantitative data analysis as basis for UX improvements
Conversion driven designs for purchase journey flow
Updated supportive pages such as FAQ & Contacts for extra prospect reassurance
extra revenue
conversion rate
2+ years CRO program for a leading Swedish kitchen supply retailer, focusing on full journey optimization
Ongoing customer knowledge base expansion through continuous user research
UX/UI designs for identified improvements based on eCommerce best practices & company brand book
A/B testing program to validate design & content hypothesis and select best personalization vendors
Support in data tracking implementation & interactive data visualization dashboard to derive actionable insights from collected data
extra revenue
conversion rate
4y+ cooperation on digital growth for the leading Baltic sportswear retailer through CRO, UX, SEO, PPC optimizaiton and expansion to new markets
Website launch in six markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Poland, and international
CRO optimization to reach conversion rate & engagement above the industry average
Fully personalized merchandising through advanced personalization via user accounts
Customer theory expansion through ongoing surveys & user testing
User journey-focused blog strategy to improve brand awareness and conversions
Omnichannel loyalty & shopping experience implementation
revenue increase
conversion rate
Conversion-driven redesign for the leading game-based learning platform for kids
CRO research to identify areas for improvement to include in the redesign
New menu navigation matching mental models of customers
Quick shop, allowing users to purchase products immediately
Filters to help users narrow down the product selection
Improved visual hierarchy, clearly indicating primary action on the page down the product selection
Implementation of other eCommerce design best practices
+ many more
Our client showcase”
in eCommerce conversion rate
conversion rate
Catch visitors' attention on the Homepage
Our team will craft your perfect homepage by leveraging 5-second testing, collecting visitor feedback, and investigating navigation patterns and business needs.
So it will be love at first sight
See full case study
Store vide USPs moved
to header
Improved header usability
Clear & mobile friendly
value proposition
Simple visual hierarchy with one main action per screen
increase in CTR
conversion rate
Solve the paradox of choice on the Product Listing Page
By guiding users toward a more narrow product selection through robust filtering, product descriptions, badges, and other elements, more will be able to swiftly find what they need.
Diving deeper in the shopping behavior funnel
Providing quick access
to subcategories
Introducing ratings & badges
Showcasing product use cases
Introducing quick shop
increase in CTR
conversion rate
Build confidence on the Product Details Page
By strategically placing confidence-boosting elements and making the checkout process seamless, we foster a sense of assurance in users' purchasing decisions.
Add-to-cart becomes the most desired action
Providing quick access
to subcategories
Introducing ratings & badges
Providing quick access
to subcategories
Providing quick access
to subcategories
Providing quick access
to subcategories
increase in checkout views
conversion rate
Nudge toward checkout in the Shopping cart
Our team crafts persuasive shopping cart journeys by identifying the reason for cart abandonment through research and best practices, seamlessly nudging users to continue through the shopping funnel.
Guiding users one step closer to purchase
Clear cart summary
re-confirming selected product.
introducing upsells for increased AOV
Prominent CTA to proceed further to the checkout
increase in checkout Conversion Rate
conversion rate
Build confidence on the Checkout
By strategically placing confidence-boosting elements and making the checkout process seamless, we foster a sense of assurance in users' purchasing decisions, helping more users finalize a purchase.
Helping more users to finalize a purchase
Leveraging scarcity principles
Comprehensive summary of previous steps
Keeping summary always available for confirmation
Our CRO process has undergone 10+ years of testing and refinement to ensure it drives your conversions.
It combines deep eCommerce specialization and a user research-driven approach to problem identification & solving while leveraging principles of behavioral economics and growth design to enhance user experience and drive higher conversion rates.
Consultation with our expert
To start your journey to a higher-converting store, schedule a call with one of our CRO experts to discuss your business goals, needs, and challenges.
Personalized CRO program plan
After the call, our Senior Strategist will prepare a personalized CRO program plan outlining actions for tackling current challenges and achieving a high-converting site.
Meet your dedicated team
Once the plan is confirmed, your dedicated CRO team will be onboarded. We are ready to go the extra mile to ensure your project's success and meet you in person, wherever you are.
CRO research &
optimization roadmap
Before jumping into optimization activities, we build a data-driven roadmap that empowers further work.
It is based on extensive research into identifying current user personas, their motivations, frustrations, and behavior on the site.
It also looks into current industry trends & best practices to ensure that together, we get on the path of becoming leaders in eCommerce.
eCommerce benchmarking
During benchmarking, we review the entire shopping behavior funnel page by page and compare it against 150+ eCommerce best practices to identify whether a benchmark is missing or requires improvement.
The CRO research report includes a comprehensive summary of the current UX state and suggested improvements supported by top examples from eCommerce leaders.
Improvement backlog
Drive users further with clear CTAs
Supported by guidelines from:
500+ scandiweb projects
Competitor research
Gap analysis aims to understand the current market position and identify areas for improvement to gain a competitive advantage.
During the analysis, we look into areas such as:
competitor website usability;
product merchandising;
content marketing;
brand voice & positioning;
checkout and post-purchase experience.
We include all identified insights in the research report supported by expert conclusions and suggestions for recommended actions.
Results of usability benchmarking
Improvement backlog
Quantitative data analysis
Segmented analysis of quantitative data available in web analytics tools to help answer the question of “where problems and improvement areas are”.
During the analysis, we look into areas such as:
user segments;
device & technology performance;
eCommerce performance (product & category performance, shopping, and checkout funnels);
user navigation patterns;
site search performance;
content performance;
user interactions (custom events).
We include all identified insights in the research report supported by expert conclusions and suggestions for recommended actions.
Tools we work with:
Qualitative data analysis
Exploratory research that aims to answer the question of “what the problems are and why.”
It combines data gathering & analysis using multiple methodologies, such as:
user surveys & on-site polls;
heatmap analysis;
screen recording replays;
customer support interviews;
We include all identified insights in the research report supported by expert conclusions and suggestions for recommended actions.
Tools we work with:
User testing
Getting real people to share their feedback about the website, express their concerns and frustrations by running following user tests depending on research questions:
usability testing & user interviews;
5-second & first-click tests;
tree testing;
card sorting;
We include all identified insights in the research report supported by expert conclusions and suggestions for recommended actions.
Tools we work with:
Optimization roadmap
After uncovering all flaws in the customer journey and defining optimization opportunities, we create the optimization roadmap, which provides a consolidated summary of suggested next steps.
The roadmap consists of concrete tasks required to implement identified improvements, sorted in a prioritized manner. The tasks include:
The task include:
wireframes and designs for improvements;
updating copy & content;
experimentation roadmap;
additional usability tests;
collaborating with developers on low-hanging fruit implementation.
Experimentation & ongoing optimization
Once the roadmap is confirmed, the team proceeds to execute it according to priorities, frequently reporting on progress and results.
Limitless optimization opportunities
We are ready to support you in any effort to provide an exceptional digital experience, from helping with content production to developing new features.
Located in the center of Europe, our team comes from different backgrounds, from tech to psychology. They are united by a common passion for helping eCommerce businesses grow and are ready to support all time zones worldwide.
Head of Traffic Acquisition
6 years in eCommerce
10+ years in eCommerce
Head of
5 years in eCommerce
CX Strategy
6 years in eCommerce
UX Research & Design
3 years in eCommerce
CX Strategy
3 years in eCommerce
CX Strategy
7 years in eCommerce
CX Strategy
2 years in eCommerce
7 years in eCommerce
UX Strategy & Design
3 years in eCommerce
Head of Data & Analytics
8 years in eCommerce
UX Research & Design
3 years in eCommerce
With us, you can  save up to $500,000 a year
Based on our clients' previous experience, the average cost of hiring and maintaining a basic CRO team can be up to half a million a year. Working with us, you can save your budget & free up time to focus on strategic business growth.
Avoid long & costly recruitment process
Don't worry about training the team
Get certified eCommerce experts
Robust & efficient candidate testing process
All required skills 
under one roof
Powered by 20+ years 
of agency knowledge
Supported by a team of 60+ UX designers, 
developers & data engineers
93 NPS score
We're an awesome TEam to work with.
Hear it for yourself!
CRO-team has been an integral part of our growth
Björn Holmkvist
Digital Growth Manager
Over the past year the CRO-team has been an integral part of our growth process. 
The team has been invaluable both in assisting us with our own A/B-testing and proactively finding areas of improvement and potential testing.  
Overall we are very satisfied with the work of the CRO-team and hope to continue our collaborative work for a long time.
It feels like they all are
part of BUFF®
Edu Villanua
Ecommerce Manager
We at BUFF® are glad working with scandiweb’s CRO Team. They are proactive in highlighting improvements that ensure our conversion rate keeps growing what helps us achieve our business goals. 
The CRO Team is super-professional, and we are happy working closely with them – it feels like they all are part of BUFF®, and that’s fantastic to meet our expectations.
I am very proud of what we accomplished
Claudia Schiønning
Head of eCommerce
From initial CRO research, to strategic discussions, to A/B testing & redesign, I really enjoyed our great collaboration and am very proud of what we accomplished together.
I would definitely recommend the team for UX & CRO work.
We are here to help!
Schedule a call with CRO expert
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Company website*
Start with a FREE consultation with our expert. No obligations.
If the matter cannot wait, schedule a call right away in Calendly, open a live chat or reach us at
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We support the digital goals of over 400 brands in 35 countries.
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